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  • Writer's pictureSofia Panella

Big databases: how large-scale archives can boost archaeological research

Our session “Big databases: how large-scale archives can boost archaeological research” session at the first Big Historical Data Conference will dive into the world of archaeological databases. Specifically, podium presentations will focus on the description of open-access datasets of various sorts: human isotopic data, archaeobotanical and archaeozoological data, osteological records, genetic data, settlement patterns and artefacts, and how these can aid archaeological investigations. In fact, the availability of such large-scale data in a readily accessible format enables academics to conduct comprehensive research and explore a wide array of scientific questions. Furthermore, these datasets can help identify data gaps, both geographically and temporally, thereby suggesting areas for future research.

Don't miss: 22-25 November 2023 at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Jena (Germany) or online!



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